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Columbia Agar (Eur. Pharm.) Scharlau

Highly nutritious general purpose medium used for the isolation and cultivation of fastidious and nonfastidious microorganisms from clinical and non-clinical materials according to the Pharmacopeial European Harmonized Method 9.0 and USP 33-NF 28.

01-680BA05 Columbia Agar (Eur. Pharm.) | Storage: 4-30 °C | 5 sachets of dhd medium (for 5x500 ml) 41106213 32190102 CHF 80.55

Pack à 5 Stück
01-680-500 Columbia Agar Base (Eur. Pharm./HP) | Storage: 4-30 °C | 500 g 41106213 32190102 CHF 182.95

Stück à 500 Gramm