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Professional environmental simulation in climate chambers or incubators

BINDER GmbH in Tuttlingen, Germany, is as a family-run business the world's largest manufacturer of serial-production environmental simulation chambers for scientific or industrial laboratories. BINDER GmbH specializes in the perfect simulation of biological, chemical and physical environmental conditions in climate chambers or incubators.

BINDER incubators – Laboratory technology made in Germany
Our range of products includes environmental simulation chambers such as CO₂ incubators and refrigerated incubators, climate chambers, material test chambers and heating ovens.

BINDER simulation chamber – International market leader
Today, BINDER GmbH is an international market leader in climate chambers. The products are used successfully in scientific and industrial laboratories throughout the world.




"Good Laboratory Practice" - What is behind it?

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Cell cultivation without contamination

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Binder video on CO2 incubators


Clean and good cannabis products often come from a BINDER chamber

cannabis binder

Cannabis is on everyone's lips right now. Many people are also in favour of a complete legalisation in Germany, but so far the cannabis product is only allowed for medical purposes in this country. In the USA one is already one step further: here cannabis can be used as a narcotic by persons aged 21 years and older in twelve states. In the states of Colorado and California, for example, the use of cannabis, also as an intoxicant, is already very openly dealt with. Here there are shops that are open seven days a week and that even deliver the desired product to the customer's home.

The current development is that the cannabis market in the USA as well as in Germany continues to grow. But not all cannabis products are really recommendable. In the USA there have already been several deaths from e-cigarettes with cannabis liquid.

Therefore it is even more important to know: Where does my cannabis product come from, is it produced safely and is its quality tested? And this is where BINDER from Tuttlingen comes in once again: The company offers the ideal solution for obtaining cannabis extract with the help of an explosion-proof vacuum drying chambers. This is the only one of its kind on the market that has been proven to be explosion-proof.

In the USA, where the regulations on the cannabis market are becoming stricter and products are increasingly being tested for quality, customers are therefore increasingly turning to BINDER quality chambers. They thus meet all standards and other upcoming regulations that are expected in the near future. This means that the BINDER chamber is not only used for obtaining absolutely pure cannabis extract, but also for quality assurance. And more and more so!

The German market for cannabis is also growing. However, as already mentioned, cannabis is only grown and used here for medical purposes, everything else is illegal. But here too, BINDER chambers are in demand.
Why? Because medical cannabis is said to have many positive effects and it is even said to help with cancer, severe pain and multiple sclerosis. And manufacturers are paying more and more attention to how they produce cannabis products and with what equipment. Because those who produce cannabis products have a high responsibility, because they are often used especially for seriously ill people.

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The world of CO₂ incubators

co2 incubator

The world of CO₂ incubators is complex. For this reason, BINDER has compiled all facts and experiences about incubators on one knowledge page. Depending on the question or application, you can easily get an overview or find valuable assistance in working with CO₂ incubators. You can get a first insight into the topics here:

A CO₂ incubator is a fumigation incubator that creates a natural atmosphere for the development of cell and tissue cultures. Temperature, humidity and CO₂ content must meet the requirements of the cell cultures.

A CO₂ incubator has a deep-drawn inner chamber that is completely encapsulated from the environment. The risk of contamination is low due to this and the omission of edges and slits. The laboratory technicians can keep an eye on the growth through a glass pane without disturbing the environment of the cells. The challenge is to create the same conditions in the entire interior on a permanent basis.

The CO₂ incubators are most frequently used in medical research and in the pharmaceutical industry. But the fumigation incubators are also used in other areas where cell growth under germ-free conditions is required.

There are guidelines for CO₂ incubators, which are, for example, specified by the pharmaceutical industry and must be adhered to. For this reason, all measurement data are recorded, checked and archived. For this purpose there is the so-called Data Logger.

When choosing an incubator, there are some things to consider - after all, there are big differences! For example, it is good to know how great the risk of contamination is in detail. The device must also be easy to operate and have a good interior design. And what about humidity management and CO₂ gassing? Are the conditions here ideal? Questions upon questions that help to make a good decision.

The CO₂ incubators are available in various external and internal dimensions. Also the temperature ranges, humidity or the CO₂ output can vary. It is important that the user knows what he needs the CO₂ incubator for.

When selecting a CO₂ incubator, good quality should be ensured. If the cleaning is complex or if there are many wearing parts, the user only has to bear a few consequential costs. A good CO₂ incubator, such as those from BINDER, will continue to work well for years to come.

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