Dipping bottle with glass container for sampling in sewage plants, for mud and water samples. For testing crude oil, liquid mineral oil products, fuels, special and test fuels, fuel oils, petroleum and liquid lubricants of Hazard Categories IIA and IIB. Completely made from non-spark producing materials. Dipping
frame made of nickel-plated brass, easy-click closure made of electrically conductive polyamide.
- With Easy-Click, safe and practical closure for a rapid bottle exchange
- High weight (3.3 kg) for fast lowering
- Bottle made of transparent glass 1000 ml contents
- Height with handles 330 mm
- Please order the appropriate lowering cable at the same time
- Tested for use in the Ex protection zone 0
- Lower the dipping bottle to the required depth.
- Pull chain/cable with a short, powerful jerk, the stopper opens.
- The sample flows into the bottle.
- Raise the bottle with the chain/ cable.
- Open the Easy-Click closure, remove the bottle.