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Reagecon Diagnostics Ltd.

Reagecon – Physikalische und chemische Standards


Reagecon bietet seinen Kunden ein ständig wachsendes Sortiment an hochspezifischen, stabilen, rückverfolgbaren und geprüften physikalischen und chemischen Standards. Die Verwendung von Standards wie Kalibratoren oder Kontrollmaterialien kann die Möglichkeit für den Analytiker, ein korrektes Ergebnis zu erhalten, erheblich verbessern und den endgültigen Beweis für die Richtigkeit eines solchen Ergebnisses aus technischer Sicht liefern. Solche Materialien können auch für die Validierung von Methoden, die Überprüfung von Geräten und die Qualifikation von Analytikern verwendet werden.


Cation and Anion Standards

Reagecon's range of Cation and Anion standards are developed and formulated for calibration and control of ICP-MS, ICP-OES, Atomic Absorption, Ion Chromatography and Flame Photometry instruments and systems. We have been manufacturing such Standards for over two decades, have the most extensive range available and our products are noted for purity, quality and specification. They are available as single element standards, a wide variety of multi-element configurations and all are available in several matrices.

► ICP-MS, ICP-OES Standards
► Trace Analysis
► Atomic Absorption Standards (AAs)
► Flame Photometry Standards
► Ion Chromatography Standards (IC)



Electrochemistry Standards

Reagecon has an outstanding range of Electrochemistry Standards and Reagents required for the measurement of pH, Conductivity, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Redox (ORP), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Cation & Anions using Ion Selective Electrodes (ISEs) and Turbidity irrespective of whether the measurements are carried out in the Laboratory, using portable instruments or on-line instrumentation.

► pH Buffer Solutions
► Conductivity Standards
► Electrode Care and Maintenance Solutions
► Ion Selective Electrode Standards
► Ionic Strength Adjusters
► Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Standards
► Redox Standards
► Turbidity Standards



Pharmacopoeia Standards & Reagents

Reagecon has developed a unique range of Reagents and Standards designed to be used by analysts that are performing analysis based on the testing methodologies as presented in the Pharmacopoeias. All of these products are manufactured and tested in compliance with the relevant Pharmacopeias. The range includes European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.),  United States Pharmacopoeia (USP), Chinese Pharmacopoeia (ChP)and Japanese Pharmacopoeia (JP)reagents, together with a range of Dissolution Media which is supplied in ready to use and concentrated formats.

► European Pharmacopoeia
► United States Pharmacopoeia
► Chinese Pharmacopoeia
► Japanese Pharmacopoeia
► Dissolution Media



Titration - Titrants, Analytical Volumetric Solutions & Indicators

Analytical Volumetric Solutions also called titration solutions, titrants, standard titrants or standard solutions are reagents of known concentration that are added from a burette or other dispensing apparatus to a sample (analyte) until a reaction between the two liquids is judged to be complete. Reagecon carries by far the most extensive offering of both indicators and titrants available in the market place.

► Analytical Volumetric Concentrates
► Analytical Volumetric Non Aqueous Titrants
► Analytical Volumetric Solutions
► Indicators Solutions
► Total Acid No. (TAN) and Total Base No. (TBN) Standards and Reagents



Total Organic / Inorganic Carbon Standards - TOC / TIC

Premium Instrument Specific TOC / TIC

Reagecon's Instrument Specific Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and Total Inorganic Carbon (TIC) Standards are an independent range of standards, suitable for use on leading brands of TOC / TIC analysers for laboratory and online applications. These standards are developed, validated, manufactured and tested to an extremely high specification. We believe that they offer real choice in the market place and represent exceptionally good value. The standards are suitable for but not limited to the brands.

► Instrument Specific Range
► Quality TOC / TIC Range



General Laboratory Standards & Reagents

Reagecon’s General Laboratory Standards and Reagents include:

► Cleaning Solutions
► Laboratory Water
► Mobile Phase
► Reagents & Standards