Boîte à gants SICCO Bohlender

Preparing pure compounds requires reliable protection of substances from contamination and some laboratory processes require safe handling of toxic materials. The SICCO Glove Box provides a cost effective and efficient tool for these and similar requirements.
Glove Box 15.1880.51
Aluminium frame with panels made of acrylic glass, base panel made of polyethylene. Front panel with two glove ports and one pair of natural rubber gloves size 9, two lead-ins for cables on the back side (upper left and upper right). Work space and transfer chamber each including two hose connectors for gas-filling and aeration and appropriate tubing (2x 5m tubing for gas-filling made of PVC and 2x 5 m aeration tubing made of PE). Temperature resistance: -20 to +70 °C.
Glove Box with Transfer Chamber 15.1880.52
Aluminium frame with panels made of acrylic glass, base panel made of polyethylene. Front panel with two glove ports and one pair of natural rubber gloves size 9, two lead-ins for cables on the back side (upper left and upper right).
Transfer chamber with two doors, external door with latch to prevent accidental opening, the tray extends into the workspace with opening of the internal door for easy removal of inserted products. Work space and transfer chamber each including two hose connectors for gas-filling and aeration and appropriate tubing (2x 5m tubing for gas-filling made of PVC and 2x 5 m aeration tubing made of PE). Temperature resistance: -20 to +70 °C.
Glove Box Vitrum with Transfer Chamber 15.1880.53
Aluminium frame with panels made of borosilicate glass, front panel with two glove ports, right side panel and bottom side base panel made of aluminium, top side of base panel made of stainless steel. Including one pair of natural rubber gloves size 9, two lead-ins for cable on the back side (upper left and upper right). Transfer chamber with two doors, external door with latch to prevent accidental opening, the tray extends into the workspace with opening of the internal door for easy removal of inserted products. Work space and transfer chamber each including two hose connectors for gas-filling and aeration and appropriate tubing (2x 5m tubing for gas-filling made of PVC and 2x 5 m aeration tubing made of PE). Temperature resistance: -20 to +120 °C.
Boîte à gants Pure avec sas 15.1880.54
Cadre en aluminium avec vitres en verre acrylique, fond en polyéthylène. Face avant avec deux ouvertures d'intervention avec une paire de gants taille 9,75 en EPDM résistant aux UV, deux passages de câbles à l'arrière (en haut à droite / à gauche). Sas (à droite) avec deux portes, porte extérieure avec verrou pour éviter l'ouverture accidentelle, plateau dépassant dans l'espace de travail à l'ouverture de la porte pour faciliter le retrait des produits introduits. Lampe UV intégrée avec contrôle de la durée de vie dans la partie supérieure pour la désinfection des surfaces et de l'air dans l'espace de travail, émetteur remplaçable. La lampe UV est une source de rayonnement sans ozone, qui n'émet pas de rayonnement en dessous de 220 nm. Une alimentation électrique de 240 V 50/60 Hz est nécessaire.
15.1880.51 | Glove Box | 890 x 700 x 600 mm | 850 x 650 x 540 mm |
CHF 5'689.00
15.1880.52 | Glove Box with Transfer Chamber | 1210 x 700 x 600 mm | 850 x 650 x 540 mm |
CHF 7'784.95
15.1880.53 | Glove Box VITRUM with Transfer Chamber | 1210 x 700 x 600 mm | 850 x 650 x 540 mm |
CHF 13'150.05
15.1880.54 | Boîte à gants Pure avec sas | 1210 x 700 x 600 mm | 850 x 650 x 540 mm |
CHF 10'100.00